Release Notes __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Release Notes nur in englischer Sprache verfügbar sind. Veuillez faire attention à ce que les Release Notes sont seulement disponible en anglais. Please note that the release notes are only available in english language. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Application: IPEmotion PlugIn OPC UA Last entry: 30.08.2023 Current version: 01.00.00 Current IPEmotion version: 2023 R1 The distribution of beta versions or release candidates to customers is not enabled without authorization of the management. System requirements: * Screen resolution: min. 1080 x 800 pixel * Processor: min. 2 GHz * RAM: min. 2048 MB * min. IPEmotion 2023 R1 Recommended system requirements: * Screen resolution: min. 1920 x 1200 pixel * Processor: min. 3 GHz Multi-Core * RAM: min. 6144 MB * Storage medium type: SSD Supported platforms: * Microsoft Windows 11 (64 Bit operating systems) * Microsoft Windows 10 (64 Bit operating systems) The following software will be installed: * Microsoft Visual C++ 2013 Redistributable The following software is required: * Microsoft .NET 4.5.1 Framework The IPEmotion PlugIn OPC UA program folder must be installed locally. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Rights IPEmotion PlugIn OPC UA needs administrator rights during installation. Standard user rights are needed for working with IPEmotion PlugIn OPC UA. __________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Content The following points describe changes, restrictions and bugs in the corresponding versions: V01.00.00 - first version Known Restrictions: - NoValue might be expected for cyclic channels when a system overload occurs. To overcome this, do any of the following: 1. Reduce the number of cyclic channels 2. Reduce the sampling rate for the channels 3. Change to event-controlled channels - Only servers configured with Message security mode: 'None', Security policy: 'None' and User authentication mode: 'Anonymous' is supported - Working with a considerable amount of channels could cause lag during stop acquisition. - In the case of cyclic channels, server disconnect will be seen momentarily while working with multiple identical/redundant systems that target the same KEPServerEx servers. - For nodes of string data type (TEXT Data type in context of IPEmotion), the maximum supported size for a string is 5000.